Amen, Siyakudumisa is a stole made from beautiful Wax Holland and other fabrics from Western Africa. I have a variety of colors. All are constructed with the curved yokes that characterize my African fabric stoles, and which show off the fabrics they are made of.
Amen, Siyakudumisa is $80. As with all the African series, $5 of the purchase price is sent as a donation to the Howard University School of divinity, where I was first exposed to these beautiful fabrics.
Stephen Cuthbert Molefe of South Africa composed this him when Fr. David Dargie encouraged the Africans he worked with to compose hymns in their own style, which rise from the tonal qualities of the Xhosa and Zulu people. In naming these stoles with West African fabrics according to a hymn from South Africa, I’ve committed a minor sin, in treating Africa as a monolithic place, which it is not. Alas, I have little knowledge of other hymns by West Africans, so this will need to stand.
Amen, Siyakudumisa. Amen Siyakudumisa.
Amen Bawo, Amen Bawo, Amen, Siyakudumisa.